Saturday, December 2, 2006

CPayscom2 update - December 3 - 2006

I just checked the Google, MSN and Yahoo rankings for this website with the CPayscom2 Online Casino search phrase and it was nowhere to be found. in fact, this website isnt in the search engines at all.

This is no suprise to me, but i wanted to check if a blogger blog would be auto indexed very fast since its owned by google.

The good news is that my website is up and running. I've only added some basic pages at this point but will do my best to make time to add more sites next week. Pages:

Main page / Welcome page
Google top listings export 02-12-2006
MSN top listings export 02-12-2006
CPays Euro Grand online casino promo page ( worth a visit !! )

I must admit i finally started the "real work" on SEO and submitted my sites to some online directories. I'm doing this the free way with backlinks and loads of waiting time but in a few weeks my websites should be starting to show up in the major search engines.

For now, please check them out the old fashion way via these links:

The Secret Casino Club
CPayscom2 Online Casino

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